Supporting Individuals
through the recovery process

Restored Connections Peer Center (RCPC) is a peer run organization serving the Lane County area in an evidence-based approach to individuals seeking a recovered lifestyle. Through a strength base and peer lead process, peer mentors pair up with individuals who need guidance and support regarding their substance use, houselessness and a variety of other high-risk situations they may be experiencing.


The process of recovery has many different steps, and many times individuals have a tough time engaging or knowing where to start. In addition, the recovery process does not end at the completion of treatment. There are many areas of an individual’s life that need to be addressed long after they have graduated from standard substance use services. Trained and credentialed peer mentors help to meet these gaps before, during and after the treatment process has been completed. Supporting an individual through the process has proven to be vital to their long-term success and in their goals to long term recovery.

Through a strength base and peer lead process, peer mentors pair up with individuals who need guidance and support regarding their substance use, houselessness and a variety of other high-risk situations they may be experiencing. Our mission is to aid those who seek help, grow and thrive in their lives. We want you to succeed and give you all the tools you need to do so.

RCPC Staff


With over a decade as a professional in peer delivered services, Stephanie Cameron saw a need for Lane County to have their own peer center. A place where individuals at all levels of recovery can access services, come be together, join in service work and give back to their community. As a former consumer of peer services herself, Stephanie has immense gratitude for the work of peer mentors. The therapeutic value of somebody’s lived experience provides a hope unique to any other service in the recovery journey.

Jonah Oxley CRM

Jonah Oxley comes to RCPC with lived experience with substance us, incarceration, and homelessness. He is well knowledgeable of our sober living communities. He is very passionate about helping others find recovery and a safe place to live. He is excited to join the RCPC team.


Gabe Is a proud member of the BIPOC community. He has been working in the field of mental health for a decade ranging from at risk youth, personal trauma, as well as working with people with developmental delays. Gabe Grew up on an Indian reservation in Montana having a lifelong struggle with substance use disorder. 
In Gabe’s words “I thank the great spirit and many amazing people in my life that helped me to find my path to recovery. Being In recovery my life has been blessed in so many ways and now I give back, when I can, however I can!” As a peer mentor here at Restored Connections Peer Center, Gabe displays his beliefs that everyone should have a chance, everyone should be treated with respect and dignity, awhile being provided with a safe place to ask for help.


Jace Hall spent his entire adult life struggling with substance use disorder and the cycle of damage this disease causes. His story, like so many of us, includes success, self-sabotage, heartbreaking loss of family, and the processing and healing from grief, guilt and shame. On his third and final attempt to make an effort to change his life for the better, the miracle happened. With his Peer Support Specialist and Certified Recovery Mentor certifications RCPC now thrives off his ability to help others overcome similar struggles. 
He says, “It is important for me to be the kind of person that I would have liked to have had by my side amidst my darkest of times.”


Crystal Pearsall finds a great sense or encouragement in her ability to share her lived experience with the individuals she works with. Crystal uses her CRM position to support others to overcome barriers that substance use and houseslessness place in people’s life. Crystal sees the devastation opiates are causing in our community and works everyday to instill hope in others. Crystal is motivated in her role at The RCPC and it shows everyday.

Chrissy Barnard CRMII, CADC I

Chrissy started with Restored connections July of 2023. During that time she has become a CRM-II and achieved reaching a long term goal of CADC-I. While proud to have the credentials she has found that her heart is in the peer field, serving individuals on the front lines and meeting them exactly where they are on their own personal journey. After working as a peer mentor for almost a year she was moved into the first Housing specialist position. She is passionate and dedicated to supporting people in finding a safe place to build a foundation to build the life that recovery can offer. Chrissy holds close to her heart her own lived experience with drug addiction, housing struggles, legal systems, reunification with her children, and the other things we encounter due to the use of drugs. She is honored to be able to use that lived experience to connect with our community and offer support to those who are struggling.

Kate Wooden CRM

Kate finds that she has a special ability to connect and empower those around her but carries the most passion for those who experience substance abuse disorders with a strong emphasize on being trauma informed. Kate moved to Oregon in 2021 and that is when her recovery journey took priority in her life. Kate is a military veteran, part of the LGTBQIA+ community, and she hopes to provide a bridge between those who need support to the support in which they need. Kate is hoping to provide a safe place just as what was provided for her when she came to RCPC to seek help when she needed it in her own personal recovery journey.

K.J Engel PWS, CRM

KJ is part of the LGBTQIA+ community and has lived experience with substance use that, stemming from several years of mental health struggles. KJ found RCPC after going to treatment, and their peer mentor helped them figure out how to adjust to living in the world again. After feeling hopeless, full of shame, and confused, their peer mentor helped them identify what the next steps were. Now they strive, and succussed in having the same impact on others as their mentor had on them.